

当你去投票时,你有权利 — 许多人都在那里提供帮助

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This article is republished here with permission from The Conversation. This content is shared here because the topic may interest Snopes readers; it does not, however, represent the work of Snopes fact-checkers or editors.

Despite all the challenges to this year’s election – long lines, calls for voter intimidation, baseless claims of fraud – voting is a fundamental civil right.

As a political scientist who studies campaigns and elections, I have confidence in American democracy. Lots of people are working at the polls and behind the scenes to ensure election 2020 runs smoothly and safely.

There are no language requirements to vote – some states even have interpreters on site – nor must you pass a test first. If your eligibility to vote is challenged or your name is not in the poll book, ask for a provisional ballot.

Report any intimidation to the Election Protection Hotline, stay calm and follow the advice. The 2020 election is happening under difficult circumstances, but it is still a federal crime to interfere, in any way, with a person’s vote.The Conversation

Daniel R. Birdsong, Senior Lecturer in Political Science, University of Dayton

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

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