

现场更新:斯诺佩斯选举后日报道,2020 年 11 月 5 日

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由于 11 月 5 日继续计数并且不确定性占据主导地位,错误信息就会变得疯狂。我们现场检查事实


U.S. Election Day is Nov. 3, 2020. Read our live post-election fact-checking. Review our coverage from Election Day itself. Browse our coverage of candidates and the issues. Check your state’s vote-by-mail rules and regulations. Send us tips when you see misinformation online. And just keep fact-checking.

Jump to see each claim:

‘Voter Fraud’ in Atlanta? | ‘Dead’ Voters in Michigan? | International Election Observer: No Evidence for Trump’s Claims of Fraud | 80 Trump Ballots Burned? | Trump Supporters: ‘Count That Vote!’, ‘Stop the Count!’ | Biden Abolishing Second Amendment? | Detroit Voter Fraud? | Background | Claims from Nov. 4 | Claims from Election Day

It’s been two days since the polls closed, and America waits while a handful of states finishing counting their votes. And in that void of uncertainty, misinformation flourishes.

As the internet’s premiere fact-checking site, We’ve been gauging the truth behind the candidates’ claims since the beginning of the race (see a collection of fact checks involving Trump here and Biden here), as well as rumors about the voting process and what Americans can expect in this historic election. And on Election Day itself, we checked misinformation as it was happening.

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