

谣言警报:“选民欺诈” 视频来自佐治亚州亚特兰大?

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在佐治亚州亚特兰大的一名选民计票工作人员被广泛分享的视频,这是 2020 年美国总统大选后选举舞弊的确凿证据吗?



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In the aftermath of U.S. Election Day 2020, amid widespread, unsubstantiated conspiracy theories and allegations of electoral fraud, figures from the reelection campaign of U.S. President Donald Trump promoted content that was presented as proof of electoral fraud in Fulton County, Georgia.

On Nov. 4, Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump, sons of the president and prominent campaign surrogates, both promoted a video that, according to its narrator, was definitive proof of “voter fraud.” The original video was tweeted out by Austin Fletcher, a right-wing online activist who uses the moniker “Fleccas”:

The 34-second video clip appears to show a vote-count worker, claimed by Fletcher to be located in “ATL” (Atlanta, Georgia), gesticulating at his desk. It’s not clear whether the voice narrating the video is Fletcher’s, but the narrator says:

I wonder what’s going on here. This dude has a fit about something. And then flips off a ballot, and then crumples it up. If that’s not voter fraud, I don’t know what is.

While the narrator presented it as definitive proof of electoral fraud (“If that’s not voter fraud, I don’t know what is”), other eminently plausible explanations existed for the count worker’s actions and non-verbal gestures. 

Firstly, it cannot be determined based on the video that the piece of paper the count worker crumpled up was a ballot.

Secondly, the narrator’s suggestion is that the count worker expressed anger or frustration in the video, and that this was linked to his personal political views and came in response to the contents of a ballot or ballots (that is, the candidate chosen in certain ballots). That, too, cannot be determined from watching the video. 

For example, if the worker was expressing frustration (and that is not clear from the video), it could well have been related to his execution of a specific task, rather than a politically motivated response. That is, he may have lost a count, for example, or he may have realized he had more ballots to check or count than he originally assumed, or any number of potential, apolitical, and innocuous causes for frustration or dismay. 

If we receive more information, we will update this post.

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